
Here we will discuss how a User can Update Point Selection Styles as they desire for their Silvics Spatial Map View. Below includes a step-by-step video tutorial, as well as a typed walk-through.


Step 1: Navigate to the Tools tab of the Ribbon.

Step 2: Click the <Preferences> tool.

Expected Results:

  • The User Preferences window opens

Step 3: Under the Forester’s Desktop tab, select the Symbology tab.

Note:  In the Symbology tab you modify preferences for:

  • Feature selection symbology
  • Editable feature selection symbology
  • Node Symbology

Step 4: Under the Feature Selection Symbology box, select the Point Selection Style symbol.

Expected Results:

  • The Select Point Selection Style dialog window opens

Step 5: To modify the point style of the selected point feature:

  1. In the Feature Selection Symbology box, click the symbol for “Point Selection Style”
  2. Select the drop down arrow to the right of the symbol style to change the shape of the point
  3. Under “Interior color” select the drop down arrow then select a color
  4. Under “Outline color” select the drop down arrow then select a color
  5. To modify the outline size click the up or down arrows in the Outline Size box
  6. To modify the point size, click the up or down arrows in the Point Size box
  7. Click <OK>

Expected Results:

  • User can modify the point style as expected
  • The Select Point Selection Style dialog window closes
  • The Point Selection Style symbol preview updates to reflect changes made

Step 6: If this is a style you will use often:

  1. Click the <Save Point> button in the Select point selection style window
  2. Enter a name in the Save User-defined style popup dialog

Click <OK>

Expected Results:

  • Selection style saves in the style options browser