
Initial Setup – One time per sale

1. Power up tablet/phone.

2. Unlock tablet with “1 2 3 4”

3. Navigate to Play Store

4. Search for “Load Boss”

5. Download

6. Install

7. Enter Token provided by Silvics Support

8. Application will shut down and should restart.  If not, open from Icon on Tablet

Daily Operation

9. Select Authorize Load

10.Remove next available security tag from the booklet of security tags.

11. Open CR scanner, which turn on camera. Aim it at the next security tag.  Scanner reads QR code and pre-laods much of the required information about the load.

12. Scanning the ticket pre loads much of the pre departure information including security tag number, date and time stamp, Buyer and collects a GPS location.

13. Enter the remaining pre departure load information including

a. Product (select from pre-loaded pick list)

b. Destination (type in common name of mill or wood yard – becomes a pick list)

c. Harvesting Contractor Name (type in name of logging crew – becomes a pick list)

d. Loader name (type in loader operator name – becomes a pick list)

e. Driver name (type in driver name – becomes available in a pick list for future loads)

f. Enter trailer number (type in trailer number or N/A if unknown – becomes a pick list)

g. Indicate Drop Trailer yes/No – applies to set out trailer only.

h. Enter notes if any

14. Click Continue/Save and Load is authorized

15. Security tags work the same.

a. Large section is attached to load on butt end of a log on drivers side of trailer

b. Small tear off section goes with driver in cab of truck

16. Deliver Load and receive Mill Scale Ticket.

17. Peel of the sticker from the Small tear off section of security tag and stick it to the scale ticket

18. Return to woods and select Update Ticket then enter post-delivery information

a. Scale ticket number

b. Net Tons

c. Cull (if any)

d. If needed, check the “Requires Correction” check box

e. If needed, enter Comments

19. Save post deliver information and your will be returned to the home screen.

20. After completing post deliver information handle completed scale tickets according to normal operating procedures.

Web Access to loads

  1. Open Google Chrome Web Browser

2. Type or paste the following web address into address bar: 

3. Silvics 2.0 home screen appears in browser

4. Enter Username Provided by Silvics Support

5. Enter Load Boss TOKEN as password

6. Load BOSS Pending Loads to Change form appears.  All authorized loads for your specific username and password will appear

7. Update tickets, editable fields include:

a. Scale Ticket

b. Tons

c. Gross

d. Tare

e. Cull

f. Net

8. If any of the data entered during authorization step (pre delivery information) needs to be edited, click on the Ticket # at the far-left side of the screen.  This will open a dialog box specific to that ticket where you can add a note and check the “Required update” check box.  This will notify accounting that a change is needed. 

9. Filters at the top of the Select Pending Loads to change screen provides the opportunity to narrow the view to specific sales, tickets that are editable or not, and enter a date range.

10. Use the Export as CSV button on the top right of the Select Pending Loads to Change screen to create a  .CSV file.  The file is downloaded to the “downloads folder” on your local computer. 

11. Use Excel, or another spreadsheet program, to open the download and conduct further analysis.