Create a Management Activity – Using the Line Feature
In this workflow, we will use a road feature to demonstrate the power of prescribing management activities using the new dynamic segmentation tool. This tool allows you to prescribe to multiple segments along the same feature and allows you to dynamically shift the start and end points of each activity if needed. Let’s walk through this workflow to give you a better understanding of what I mean.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In the Map View, select the line feature you wish to prescribe activities to by left clicking on the line using the selection tool.
Step 2: Right click in the View Frame and click on “Prescribe Management.”
Step 3: Adjust the Set Start Distance and Set Segmentation Length using the slider provided. The highlighted portion is the only region that is affected.
Alternatively, you may also input an exact value under “Start Distance” and “Segment Length”
Step 4: An additional segment may be added to the line by clicking on the <Add Segments> button in the bottom left. This segment will begin where the first ended.
If you find you need to restart your segment definition, click the <Clear Segments> button at the bottom of the window.
Step 5: Once your segments are the appropriate length, check the box underneath the “Rx to Segment” column header.
Note: You do not have to prescribe to all segments created at the same time. You can prescribe to one, some, or all segments using the checkbox to indicate which segments you wish to prescribe to.
Step 6: In the bottom right of the window click <Prescribe> and a new activity window should appear.
Step 7: In the new “Select Management Activity” window select the activity you would like to prescribe.
Step 8: Now, fill in the details of the activity selected.
Step 9: Once finished, click <OK> in the bottom right of the window and you will be asked if you would like to save this activity. Click <Yes> to finish, <No> to discard the activity, and to continue editing.
To Verify the Activity Saved Properly
In this workflow, we will review the activity you just created and verify that the details you entered were saved to the database.
Step 1: In the Map View, select the feature you prescribed the management activity to. The selected feature will highlight.
Step 2: With the feature selected, right click in the map view and select “Explore,” then “Attributes” from the context menu. The Attribute form opens for the selected feature.
Step 3: In the Attributes Form, select the Activities Tab. The history window opens allowing the user to see all activities associated with the selected feature. The activity you created is listed in the feature’s history.
Step 4: Review the Activity attributes and details. The Activity attributes and details are as defined in the previous workflow.
Step 5: Close the Activity window and Attributes Form.